Join us in prayer this year

This Easter
to the

easter service: march 31, 8:30 and 10:30 am

Humbly Seeking Jesus

Mother holding door open for a childLady hugging a college student as husband puts an arm on college students back.
Man standing behind Jesus Sign TableGirl being baptized by Pastor Joe

Services In-Person and Live Streamed

Every Sunday at
8:30 and 10:30am

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Reflections for Your Spiritual Journey

Handpicked Apps For Your Spiritual Journey

Grace Anchors of Pleasant Valley Church

At Pleasant Valley Church, our journey is deeply rooted in the transformative grace of Jesus Christ. These four foundational beliefs not only guide us in our mission but also stand as the essence of our faith and practice. United in this purpose, our staff is wholeheartedly committed to serving our community, steadfastly drawing upon these anchors as our guiding principles in everything we do.

He is the most important person in the room.

Jesus Christ is central to everything we do. We strive to place Him at the forefront of all our gatherings, teachings, and activities. Our goal is to lead people to encounter Jesus Christ in all His glory, teaching them to worship Him in every aspect of their lives and to follow His teachings faithfully.

He is Truth and His Word gives life.

We believe in the life-giving power of God's Word. Our commitment is to immerse our community in the Scriptures, encouraging personal and collective engagement with the Bible. We emphasize the importance of prayer and study, helping believers understand and apply God's truth in their daily lives.

His Gospel is all we need for this life and the next.

The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the cornerstone of our faith. We focus on teaching and modeling the transformative power of the Gospel, which guides our actions, relationships, and worldview. Through the Gospel, we find the means for daily sanctification and the promise of eternal life.

He's coming back.

Our hope is anchored in the return of Jesus Christ. We emphasize the importance of living a life of mission and service, using our gifts to glorify God and spread His love. We prepare our community for Christ's return by encouraging a life of active faith, service, and anticipation.

Featured Announcements This Week

Camp Awesome 2024

A sports, art, or science camp for children who are currently in Kindergarten-4th grade. Cost is $50. Register by June 2nd.

Jesus Lab

Jesus Lab is a time to gather together. To be in the presence of the Lord with no agenda or order of service. A time to wait on the Lord and see all that He has for us. This will be happening on Sunday, April 28, from 7-8:30PM, in the MC. All are welcome. Childcare is provided.‍

Parent Child Dedication

Sunday, May 12, at 8:30 & 10:30am. The Bible teaches that parents have the primary responsibility to nurture the faith of their children. The church family receives the privilege to join families in prayer and encouragement. Please plan to attend the prep class on Sunday, May 5, in Room 211 at 9:45am. Register by May 3.

More Events

Most Recent Message:

04.21.24 Jesus: The long-awaited One: Jesus sends the Twelve

Most Recent Podcast:

015 PV Behind The Sermon: Embracing the Role of a Servant in Life and Faith

Our Staff Recommends...

We're excited to share a selection of inspiring resources that have been hand-picked by our staff. Here, you'll find a range of worship music, podcasts, apps, books, blogs and more that have been designed to lift your spirits and provide guidance and hope. So whatever you're looking for - a bit of inspiration, a friendly reminder, or a much-needed dose of motivation - you'll find it here. We believe that the Current Season at PV will be a source of encouragement and strength for you.


Bible Project App

I've recently started using the Bible Projects App and have been loving it. It has access to biblical classes, all their videos, deeper biblical studies, and more all in one place.

Inspired by:

Devotions for when you feel weak: He is Strong

In a new season of motherhood, I find myself more aware of my weaknesses than ever before. I'm constantly in need of reminders that in my weakness, the Lord is strong. This devotional provides me with quick encouragement and scripture for the hard everyday moments.

Inspired by:

The Burden Is Light

The Burden Is Light: Liberating Your Life from the Tyranny of Performance and Success Jon Tyson's exploration of the reverse economy of the kingdom frees his readers from not only having to earn their salvation but also earn their sense of worth. Life is not meant to be a series of competitions or survival of the fittest, yet the dominant voices in our culture scream that we are only as valuable as our popularity, success, status or social recognition. This book offers another way forward. It shows readers the freedom of Jesus light and easy yoke as opposed to the tyrannical yoke of cultural approval or applause. This is a must-read for those exhausted from having to invent or perform their identity or conjure up a sense of destiny.

Inspired by:
See More Resources

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